
Richard's non-contentious experience and expertise includes drafting and advising on contracts for:

  • building and engineering works at all tiers,

  • contracts for design consultancy services,

  • project/construction management services,

  • FM/OM services,

  • agreements for all facets of PPP project work,

  • property development and infrastructure provision.



Richard has extensive experience in the contentious sphere in Sydney and Ireland having worked on large scale litigation and arbitration including:

  • a successful quantum meruit claim in the NSW Supreme Court in respect of a repudiated building contract for the construction of a Sydney shopping centre (acting for the contractor);

  • a Euro 100.0m arbitrated claim in respect of delay and disruption in a motor way widening project (acting for the procuring authority);

  • a Euro 30.0m arbitrated claim for negligence and breach of professional duties in relation to the design and construction of a major waste water treatment plant (acting for the procuring authority).